Foaming at the Mouth - Edition 10

January 7, 2025

This month let’s talk about our health in relation to dust and microparticles. 

Please take a look at the chart below from peer-reviewed scientific studies of dust and particle toxicity. This study and chart will give you the real story on what dust and particles you should avoid for your long-term health.


As you can see, all 3 categories of plastics (Polyethylene PE, Polypropylene PP, and Polyester PET) create non-toxic dust and particles. Compared to the other materials listed, they are the safest.  

What do you think you are more likely to breathe in on a dusty day outside?  I think we can all agree it will not likely be plastic dust and particles. Instead, on that windy day you will most certainly be near degrading concrete and wood products blowing in the air. 



Please watch for next month’s blog where I will continue our conversation with more facts, figures, and good news about EPS foam! 


Greg Montgomery   

Office:  402-884-4290 


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